

Marketing is all about finding the right people, and consistently building/deepening their relationships with you…

So you eventually have an engaged audience of folks who want to work with you or hire you.

As a the right hand woman and business/marketing director for my clients, I have helped founders and solo entrepreneurs build their personal brands and expand their businesses — while simultaneously freeing up their time.

Results & case studies

Case Study #1: A small but loyal audience.

When selling a high ticket offer, don’t be distracted by vanity metrics such as the size of your following or the number of likes on a social media post.

Keep your eye on the prize: Nurture a few deep, high quality relationships with customers who will convert.

In this case study, a high-ticket service-based business with:

  • An Instagram audience of <500

  • An email list of <50 subscribers

Successfully launched a new program, receiving:

  • 150+ hits on the launch landing page (Note: that’s a incredible 30%+ conversation rate of link clicks from social)

  • 5% conversion from the landing page to physical attendance at a free launch event (a small number, however the quality of the leads was high, as evidenced by)…

  • 100% conversion from attendance at the free launch event to enrollment in a paid program

CASE STUDY #2: mobilizing a medium sized audience for a new launch

When unveiling a high-ticket product or experience, the magic is in the buildup — AND the follow through. Don’t focus too much on solely promoting the new product or offer. Spend time fine-tuning the booking/ordering process and curating every detail that your customer interacts with.

In this case study, two co-founders partnered with Cindy to fine-tune their launch experience by designing a new landing page and subsequent workflows to support conversion.

Upon unveiling the high-ticket experience, the business received:

  • 350+ direct hits to the launch landing page (incredible ~50% conversion rate from email)

  • 2% conversion from landing page visits to inquiry submissions (again, a small number but high quality)

  • 50% conversion from inquiry submission to booking a sales call

CASE STUDY #3: a successful event or showcase

The strategy to market an event varies widely depending on the nature of the event, the goal/purpose of the event (is it to build brand awareness? to generate sales? to facilitate relationships?) and the target audience.

Through the last few years, Cindy has partnered with multiple clients in various cities and industries to market and host successful events by:

  • Designing event pages to communicate value

  • Developing an event P&L to track costs and logistics

  • Generating buzz through strategic marketing, such as email and social media promotions

  • Direct outreach and relationship building via copywriting and personal invitations directly from company founders

A few examples of successful events include:

  • 30+ person ticketed art exhibit that was hosted at a profit (before art sales)

  • 60-person client networking event with subsequent 12K buzz and reach on LinkedIn

  • Pop up vendor showcase leading to subsequent four-figure customer collaboration between vendors